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Made-in-the-shade Pergola Woodworking Plan

Made-in-the-shade Pergola
Our Price: $14.95

Product Code: GR-00848A


Made-in-the-shade Pergola Woodworking Plan
Simple subassemblies with butt-together-and-screw joinery make this structure a breeze to build. After you set the posts in the ground, build the subassemblies on-site or in your shop. Then just call a buddy to help lift them into place. In addition to the step-by-step assembly to create this project, we've added detailed information on tricks for working with treated lumber.

BONUS PLAN: In addition to the step-by-step pergola plan, we've added the plan for a freestanding matching privacy screen/trellis. Build it to compliment the pergola or simply add it to your yard as a stand-alone structure.

Overall dimensions: 11'1" x 11'1" x 8' high

Featured in
WOOD Issue 198, July 2010